An organized crafty table is key to a happy crew; of course having a good selection of food helps too. Luckily, Dating Daisy, written and directed by Neel Upadhye and produced by Jon Judelson, had it all.
On the 11th out of the 20 days of principal photography, the cast, crew and a dog welcomed me into their production with open arms (and paws). On this day we shot a key portion of the script, taking place at the main male character’s home with his parents. The cast and crew alike brought their “A” game.
I floated between the inside of the house (aka the set) and the garage, where base camp was located. A good portion of my time was spent keeping the crafty table prim and proper, restocking things that ran low and organizing boxes of certain supplies, such as, cleaning items, silverware, candy, chips, and other set necessities. Gotta have those Red Vines. My main goal was to be able to help anyone who came to my little area. I was the troll guarding the bridge, except I was a happy troll helping people across to the food they wanted.
With the food in order and the crew happy, the day went by without a hitch. Hopefully the rest of them go the same way (fingers crossed!). Just remember: eat, restock, and repeat.
written by Karen Rich